Note: These projects under discussion are security, covered per NDA, therefore these wireframes are altered screenshots from Windows or sketched only for this presentation to give some indication of the discussions.

Cloud Blockchain Security Design
Study, research, gather requirements, and design a new cloud-based security system similar to a blockchain user interface, to be implemented on a federated medical research tool from a Fortune 50 hardware company. 2 weeks of security class, interview gathering security information from the lead security developer and business unit manager.
Photo by Steve Jurvetson on Flickr
Case Study
by Linda Lane
UX Design Principal
Cloud computing is on-demand availability of computer system resources, computing power, data storage, networks, applications, and services for efficiency, agility, availability. Shared services can be metered during consumption reducing costs. Cloud computing also provides high security and legal compliance for healthcare research and case management.
Cost reduction and business agility allow for even small and medium-size research teams to be fully engaged using secure cloud technology especially in cases where identifiable information, such as identity, age, and DNA must remain unassailable - private, protected under law. That is where federation / blockchain is useful.

Fly in to Silicon Valley to meet with the project's management directors and the consulting product team to gather requirements, then attend a 2 week class lead by a software security expert and the projects lead developers to gain a deeper understanding of project needs for a new cloud-based blockchain-like security system to be used for medical research produced by a large hardware and software firm in Silicon Valley.
While taking daily notes and meetings, gathering information, transmitted requirements and drew wireframes, send to offshore design and development team each evening. Later worked remotely, and then another cycle of gathering requirements and information continued, as we began to focus and determine what user groups could do or would see on the interface.
Security and compliance are both critical to the healthcare domain which can be assured when it is not possible to discover personally identifiable information (PII).
Some of the examples we examined were existing models for security, such as those I had worked on previously (project managed a team of 21 developers and quality assurance developers) and studied for the Windows operating system.
Keeping the design team up to date with the concepts such as Data Lakes, and new security concepts, the more the concepts sounded familiar and like something that just needed to be updated from existing security models. Our design team wrapped up and presented the successful finals for our development teams to deploy and quality control (iterative testing).
User feedback provided many small changes in test, and the product was released. This was a great project to learn about models of research, security and the cloud and users' needs in some detail.

user types for security
Users Potential = Employees + Vendors
major partners