NYC Taxi AI Dashboards & Charts
For a corporate business seminar illustrate the use of UX and AI in Microsoft Power BI for a data analytics presentation, research and create personas then drive the creation of dashboards & charts site based on publicly available NYC Taxi data. The PowerPoint deck used to explain the PBI screens.
Case Study
by Linda Lane
Sr UX Researcher and Designer
Photo by Fabio Fistarol on Unsplash
For a corporate-to-corporate presentation about using UX and AI to leverage Power BI to make information visualization dashboards and charts, I created a set of dashboards and charts in Power BI with 2 developers and a PM. We based the design on 3 personas of authenticated users:
1. senior executives
2. other business leaders
3. and anyone in the organization.
This Power BI set of dashboards, charts, and AI was modeled on publicly available millions of lines of data from the NYC Taxi company. The dashboards and presentation were hosted on Microsoft Azure. While this deck was intended to be displayed on a large screen, tailored it to display well enough on small screens so the Power BI screens can be read in PowerPoint.
We quickly created the entirety - PBI & PPT in 5 days, including obtaining the millions of lines of raw data, research, design, scoping, development, and writing the content. The demonstration Power BI Dashboards and Charts, and presentation were made at a corporate seminar conference in Denver, Colorado.